He talks to fish.

We can be sure that Peter David’s harpoon-handed, nasty-tempered revision of Aquaman will not be the one used by the WB in their Smallville-like television show.

Seriously… Aquaman? Isn’t he the butt of all kinds of jokes over the years? The Ant-Man of DC comics? One wag on Fark said that by episode 6 they will have plumbed the depths of evil corporation enemies bent on poisoning the seas, and after that it’ll be all over. I’m sure there will be lots of young, pretty people in swimwear.

3 thoughts on “He talks to fish.”

  1. They missed their opportunity. They could have sent Aquaman to New Orleans to help flood victims.

    Then again, there can always be another gigantic flood, of biblical proportions. Let’s put the Earth under water, and then we’ll see all the other heroes crawling on their knees to Aquaman for help.


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